Although in theory you can mix virtually any two tooth whitening solutions, many people recommend a.

Although there is no evidence showing that brushing the teeth with plain baking soda whitens your teeth, several studies find that toothpaste containing baking soda has a whitening effect. "Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are among the oldest at-home teeth whitening remedies," says Keith Arbeitman, a dentist at New York-based Arbeitman and Shein "People have found real results from rinsing with diluted hydrogen peroxide for a few seconds." Turmeric's tooth-whitening power is subtle, and somewhat of a mystery, but try dipping a toothbrush in 1/8 teaspoon organic turmeric, applying to your teeth and letting it sit about 3 minutes before rinsing well and brushing with your normal toothpaste (like this homemade one).

And oil pulling with coconut oil is probably one of the best ways to whiten your teeth at home.8 This is because the lauric acid in coconut oil helps break down the bacteria responsible for the yellowing of teeth. Mash a strawberry and mix it with some baking soda to make a natural whitening toothpaste. Baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate) is widely regarded as a natural tooth whitening remedy because of its alkaline properties and due to the fact that it is abrasive enough to gently remove any stains.

You can make a whitening mouthwash by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda and one and a half teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of cold water. As a general rule for Do It Yourself (DIY) whitening, using everyday solutions in moderation - like baking soda, coconut oil and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide - can make an effect. The baking soda is gentle enough to slough off the stains without damaging your tooth enamel, and the hydrogen peroxide is a whitening agent that's found in many commercial tooth-bleaching kits.

Dr. Malmstrom: It's not a good idea to use a mouth guard for whitening that's not specifically fitted for your mouth by a dentist because the hydrogen peroxide could irritate your gums. Any type of toothpaste can be used but you can get whiter teeth faster using any kind of whitening toothpaste like Supersmile Whitening Toothpaste. If you want to use lemon juice to help whiten teeth, you can make a paste using baking soda and brush with it normally.

Although whitening toothpastes will not dramatically improve the whiteness of your teeth in the space of web page an hour (they are more effective over time), they can still help to remove stains and make teeth look brighter.